We the women and men of SF State Raza Faculty and Staff (RFSA) unite as an organization to secure for all Chicano/Latino faculty, staff and students equal participation in the San Francisco State University Community. As advocates of Chicano/Latino faculty, staff and students' rights and interests we speak as one voice and hold to principles that are inclusive of all persons, both within and outside of Raza, and we resolve to adhere to the following:
To recognize and respect the diverse social, political, cultural and educational backgrounds that exist among Raza faculty and staff;
To actively communicate with one another in order to reach consensus, respecting individual and group differences, so that we may reach a common ground of understanding and purpose;
To keep foremost in our thoughts and efforts our goal to ensure equal participation of all Raza faculty, staff and students' in the labors and fruits of the SFSU community;
To respect and support the efforts of other social, ethnic and cultural groups to fully participate in the affairs of the university.